Worms should be understood as parasitic worms that penetrate the human body. There are similar representatives in some animal species.
Parasites appear in the human body after infecting parasite eggs.
After extensive research, scientists have concluded that more than 25% of the world's population knows what helminthiasis is based on their own experience.
Usually, roundworms and pinworms are the most common. These types of worms in humans can find their place in any organ.
The worm's favorite place is the gut. Only then can they live in the organs of the liver and lungs.
But it's no different when the parasites find their place in the eyeball or muscle.

External features of human worms
During a diagnosis of a patient's body, doctors must have all the knowledge about the possible invasion of worms and how to get rid of them in the future.
Thanks to this information, complications that can arise in the form of complications after infection with worm eggs can be avoided.
It is for this reason that it is important to identify the worms in the human body when they are infected, i. e. in the early stages.
One of the most popular types of worms are roundworms and pinworms. In appearance, they resemble a white worm.
Amazingly, their slender bodies can reach up to 40 cm, with an average length of 20 cm.
But that doesn't mean there aren't more sturdy parasites. This includes a wide ribbon.
It's so named for a reason, as it resembles a ribbon in appearance. Its length varies within meters.
Classification of worms
What types of worms are in the human body? If this question really worries you, you should read the following information in the article.
The types of worms are divided according to their location in the body. It can be tissue and luminal worms.
tissue worm
Tissue worms should be understood as those that prefer to colonize pancreatic parenchyma, liver, brain material, muscle and lung tissue.
It is for this reason that the pathology has several names: paragonimiasis in the case of lung damage, echinococcosis with abnormal liver, filariasis - lymph nodes, cysticercosis with violation of the brain.
translucent worm
This worm is different in that it prefers to live in the intestinal lumen. These worms include roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms, pinworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and other worms.
Worms are also divided into species based on their body structure. Can have round, flat, tape and other varieties. But this will be discussed in more detail later in this article.
Round view of human worm
This is a fairly common type of worm called a nematode.
Their bodies are rounded, and the worms can grow up to 40 cm in length, but also 5 mm.
They choose nematodes for themselves as gut sites, but it's possible that they will settle in tissues or other organs.
The prevalence of this worm is due to the fact that eggs are spread during the use of unwashed vegetables or fruits. This type of pathology is considered dirty hand disease, so children most often have round parasites who struggle to put dirty hands in their mouths.
Other types of nematodes are also subdivided. Have:
triggers the development of ascariasis. These are fairly large worms, up to 40 cm in length.
They differ from similar products in the shape of the spindle. Similar representation was demonstrated in the small intestine region.
During life, they move to the heart, liver and lungs. Transported by the human body, they carry great dangers.
The problem is that all organs and ducts have worms. Their life cycle is approximately equal to one year, but during this period, a person will face many unpleasant consequences related to allergic manifestations, destruction of the digestive tract as well as internal bleeding, blockage of intestinal organs.
This fact may negatively affect development if roundworms are present in children. A child's development may lag far behind his peers.
These parasites enter a child's body in the same way through unwashed soap and dirty food.
Their bodies are grey. This worm is 5-10 mm in length. The main localization of the parasite is the gut.
Most often, pinworms affect those who devour eggs through unwashed vegetables and/or fruit.
To become a sexually mature individual, the egg should pass 14 days. The total lifespan of the parasite is approximately equal to a few months.
They disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive tract and are exhausting.
These worms have different habitats. They choose to settle mainly in the large intestine.
The worms have a body length of 3-5 cm, and they are placed on the walls of the organs, where they absorb blood. These worms cause whipworm disease, which sends the body badly.
They can exist in the human body for about 5 years. During this time, a person develops severe bowel problems, namely loss of appetite. Increased or decreased appetite, abdominal pain, and even anemia may occur.
You should not ignore the fact of whipworm infection, because against the background of their vital activity, the acute phase of appendicitis may begin.
This happens if the worm enters the cecum. They deal a relentless blow to health, so efforts must be made to get rid of whipworms quickly.
Another type of worm, which is not very large. They can reach 2-5mm, but that doesn't mean the worms don't attack health.
They can cause trichinosis, which is characterized by high fever, swelling, fever, and allergic reactions.
You can catch trichinella from undercooked pork or game. These worms penetrate the muscles of the respiratory tract or face, hitting tissues.
Within 3 weeks, the worm's eggs can be encased, so the person recovers. But there are more difficult situations that can lead to death.
Another round worm is Toxoplasma gondii. They are present in the dog's body. Externally, they look like roundworms, but are 15-30 cm long.
This worm can be in the human body. If this occurs, the development of toxocariasis is observed, accompanied by dysfunction of internal organs, allergic reactions and other bodily dysfunctions.
It should be noted that once the larvae enter the human body, they cannot develop to the state of sexually mature individuals, which is only possible in dogs.
Symptoms of a roundworm infection will vary depending on a person's health and the number of worms in an organ.
tape type human worm
Band worms pose a huge threat to human health. They are called tapeworms. These are worms up to 18 m long. It is customary to divide them into 2 types:
- ribbon;
- chain.
In order to develop into sexually mature individuals, worms must change hosts. One of the stages of this process is the presence in the body of the cow.
The most intelligent representatives of this species are described in detail below.
wide ribbon
About 10-15m long. It chooses the small intestine as its habitat.
It is capable of causing the development of dilobite disease. If a person eats undercooked freshwater fish, a tapeworm can enter the body, in which the parasite larvae can invade.
The infection is accompanied by severe abdominal pain, indigestion, and anemia. Like many other tapeworms, this worm looks fantastic.
bull tapeworm
This tapeworm can even reach 18m in length, making it the largest species in the human body.
It triggers the development of teniarinhoz pathology, which leads to physical exhaustion of the body. Additionally, a person may experience bowel obstruction, central nervous system dysfunction.
The worm enters the human body through affected beef with parasite larvae. The worm colonizes the small intestine area and it attacks all organs of the human body.
pork tapeworm
The parasite enters the human body through infected pork. Worms can be up to 8 m long.
Usually, they colonize the intestinal area, where they carry out parasitic activities.
Ganglion cysts can cause severe gastric dysfunction with anaphylaxis and neurological dysfunction.
Another dangerous tapeworm is called Echinococcus. He settled in the bodies of dogs and cats.
People were selected as intermediate habitats. Even in such a short period of time, it can fully harm the human body and cause the development of hydatid disease.
The eggs of the parasite reach the larval stage. They then grow into the tissue membranes of the organ, forming cysts.
Only surgical methods can eliminate the manifestations of this parasitic hydatid. For decades, these people lived in adult bodies, and they went through the process of meat-eating development.
Trematodes, they are flukes. They differ from other types of tape parasites in that they have special suckers on their bodies so they are absorbed into the walls of human organs and tissues.
They suck out blood and useful elements. The worms can even reach 1. 5 m in size, and at first glance, they look like plant leaves.
The main source of human flukes will again be undercooked, undercooked fish or seafood.
During their developmental stages, these parasites change their hosts. The main species of flukes include the following subspecies:
- liver fluke;
- fluke.
Combining the above information, it can be concluded that almost all worms enter the human body through meat.
In fact, this is not always the case; there are also some parasites that can affect the skin. They will be discussed below.
Types of worms that affect human skin
A worm called rishta can infect human skin and soft tissue. They can cause dracunculiasis.
In length, they can reach 120 cm. Rishta attacks subcutaneous tissue or muscle tissue.
Infection occurs during drinking of untreated water. Infections occur while bathing because the parasites enter the gut through fluids and then into the fibers.
If the worm reaches sexual maturity, it has the opportunity to secrete substances that have negative effects on the human body. The skin begins to corrode under this influence. There will be an ulcer at the site of the injury, which the parasite uses to clear its larvae.
This phenomenon is accompanied by intense itching. This phenomenon is frequently recorded in tropical regions. As an intermediate host, guinea worms choose freshwater crustaceans, the Cyclops.
After contact with water, people can get acne on the skin and intestines. The method of infecting them is percutaneous.
Parasites can cause skin defects and seep into the bloodstream. Risk factors include walking barefoot on the ground, working in soil, and swimming in ponds with dirty water.
Diagnosis and treatment of helminthiasis
If worms are suspected of invading humans, doctors recommend blood and stool tests.
In the case of a general blood test, the index change of the white blood cell formula moves to the right. The number of eosinophils will be pronounced.
Urine, sputum, and the contents of the stomach and duodenum also play an important role. It is for this reason that doctors may prescribe scrapes in the anal area and rectum.
After determining the type of worm in the human body, the specialist should choose the correct medication regimen while having access to effective traditional medicine recipes.
Of course, it's worth knowing that to avoid reinfection, precautions must be adhered to.
In order to successfully treat an infected person, it is important that the deworming process is carried out by the whole family and that simple hygiene rules are followed. The course of treatment is usually repeated 2 weeks after the first stage of deworming.
Folk remedies are time-tested, and many believe they are better than the deworming medicines offered by pharmacological organizations.
Their main advantage is the absence of contraindications and side effects.
It's important to note that it's impossible to start using popular traditional medicine recipes without consulting a doctor.
It's important to take into account the particular types of worms, their location, and the characteristics of your body. Infections can become even more catastrophic if you make a mistake in your choice of treatment.
Expert advice
- Folk remedies should start with dietary therapy. It is best not to eat meat and fish for a week, that is, to stick to a vegetarian diet. This will weaken the parasite, so it will be easier to deal with the worm. It is important to consider that fasting would not be a successful idea in this situation. Insufficient food intake will not affect the strength of the worms, but people will feel worse.
- You need to wash your hands before eating with soap.
- Food processing is necessary.
- The timeliness of infection detection and treatment process is very important. In this case, the recovery time will be minimized.